Notes // Injecting jQuery Into a UMD IIFE

How to inject JQuery into a Universal Module Defition IIFE.


A few weeks ago I did a blog post on a handy JavaScript pattern called Universal Module Definitions (UMDs). The UMD pattern is a great way to provide an IIFE that is compatible with AMD, CommonJS (node), or the browser.


To utilize an external object in a namespace-safe fashion, the UMD conditional needs to be amended. For instance, to use jQuery with node, the require('jquery') function should be called as the app's parameter.

Here is a simple version of jQuery being injected into a UMD.

(function (global, appName, app) {
    // Universal Module Definition with jQuery
    if (typeof define === "function" && typeof define.amd === "object") {
        // RequireJS
        define(["jquery"], app);
    } else if (typeof module !== "undefined") {
        // Export as a node or CommonJS module
        module.exports = app(require("jquery"));
    } else {
        // Add the app to the global browser namespace
        global[appName] = app(global.jQuery);
})(this, "App", function ($) {
    "use strict";

    // Define the IIFE encapsulate methods here
    // ...

    // Return the methods that you want to be publicly accessible
    return {};
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Email destin{AT} if you have any comments or questions.